Wolfenstein 3D

Wolfenstein 3D

The story: You're William J. "B.J." Blazkowicz, the Allies' bad boy of espionage and a terminal action seeker. Your mission was to infiltrate the Nazi fortress Castle Hollehammer and find the plans for Operation Eisenfaust, the Nazi's blueprint for building the perfect army.
Wolftenstein 3D is the game that spawned an entire genre!

Release: May 5, 1992 Developer: id Software
Wolfenstein 3D
Digital Product only

Rumors are that deep within the castle the diabolical Dr. Schabbs has perfected a technique for building a fierce army from the bodies of the dead. It's so far removed from reality that it would seem silly if it wasn't so sick. But what if it were true? 

As an escaped prisoner in a Nazi war prison, you will move smoothly through a 3D world full of amazing detail and animation. Run through sensational and realistic 3-D environments, with intelligently-moving guards and opponents.

Winner of multiple industry awards in 1992 - including People's Choice Award - Wolfenstein 3D has been described as "one of the most important games ever created" (PC Gamer) and has been voted "Best Arcade/Action Game" by numerous publications. 


Sound the Alarm: Sit on the edge of your seat as intense, mood-setting music scores your infiltration into Castle Wolfenstein. 

Enemy Territory: Blast your way through an army of soldiers and collect treasure to increase your score. 

Weapon of Choice: Play with keyboard, joystick, mouse or gamepad.

Save Your Progress, Save the World: Quick save and quick load game states to resume your progress instantly. 

Controller Support: Partial Xbox 360 Controller support. 


Images for Wolfenstein 3D

Trailer for Wolfenstein 3D

System Requirements for Wolfenstein 3D

Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7 or Windows 8.

Intel Core 2 Duo or higher.

Minimum 2GB of RAM.